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Puppy on the Beach

Tween Pup Orientation

Preparing you for adolescent parenthood!  Orientation classes are designed to start you and your pup on the right path for a successful journey throughout your training course. 


Introduction to:

✢ Understanding rearing and training your Tween pup through their adolescent period

✢ Clicker Training

✢ More Advanced Mat & Placement Work for your pup

✢ Learning proper social cues and body language for day-to-day encounters

Orientation Info

✢ Orientations are offered weekly

✢ 40 minute orientation, Saturdays: 11:30 AM - 12:10 PM

✢ Up to two people are allowed per dog

✷ Please read our Terms & Conditions before enrolling

Preparing for Tween Pup 

What you need to have your pup trained or mostly trained on before starting the Tween Pup Course:

✢ House Training 

✢ Crate Training

✢ Alone Time 

✷ Orientation includes a Brief on these topics

Cute Puppy
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✢ Adolescent Development

✢ How Adolescent Dogs Learn

✢ Motivation • Reinforcement

✢ Clicker • Marker Training

✢ How the Environment Affects Training

✢ What is Enrichment

What to Bring

✢ Current vaccination records

✢ Training Clicker (free clicker provided)

✢ Semi-hungry, semi-tired, pottied pup

✢ Lots of high value bite size treats and treat bag

✢ Stuffed Kong or Bully Stick to chew on while instructor is talking

✢ Chew Toy without a squeaker to alternate use of chew treats while instructor is talking

✢ Standard flat collar or a no-pull harness

✢ 5 or 6 foot standard leash

✢ Mat, towel, or small blanket




Dog Collar
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