recall TRAINING FOR dogs 16 WKS & UP
Squirrels, birds, new scent trails, Oh My!
There are many distractions that will keep your dog's focus from returning to you when called upon. As these distractions are a part of your dog's daily life, they can also be problematic when your dog decides to ignore you and can potentially put themselves in danger. As intelligent and emotional creatures, dogs require a good reason to choose your over these distractions.
In our two-part Trusty Pup Course, you will learn the foundations of training your dog to be eager to return to you and how your leadership impacts the recall when you're at home or outdoors.
✢ Must be at least 16 weeks old
✢ Must be in the care of a veterinarian and be on current age appropriate vaccinations
✢ Must NOT have leash reactivity or aggression towards other dogs and people
✢ Must be socialized with dogs and people, not fearful
✢ Must have some foundational behavior training: Name recognition, Sit, Down & Stay
✷ Please read our Terms & Conditions before enrolling
Course Description
✢ Two 50 minute sessions - Course Total: $160
✢ Saturdays: 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
✢ Up to two people are allowed per dog
✢ Learn the Concepts of Recall and Practice
"Checking In"
✢ How to introduce distance and distractions
✢ Learn how to apply everything you learn on Day One outdoors at an enclosed dog run
✢ Practice consistency and avoid damaging Recall
What to Bring
✢ Flat Collar, Martingale, or Harness ONLY
✷ Your dog must not attend class wearing a slip, shock, choke, or prong collar
✢ 4-6 foot Leash, no retractable leashes
✢ 16 foot or more Long Line
✢ Complimentary Bait Bag included
✢ Complimentary Training Clicker included
✢ Lots of food or high value treats