Next Level
Adult Basics
11 mo. & older
You’ve trained your puppy but didn’t get all the results you
expected, this is the course for you!
Grown-up Pup is designed to help improve on foundational training and solidify your relationship with your dog.
Also recommended for adult dogs getting settled into a new home with need for a refresher on their manners.
✢ Must be no younger than 11 mo. at the start of first class
✢ Must be a Tween Pup Graduate OR must be socialized, house trained and have some basic manners training
✢Must not have leash reactivity to other dogs and people
✢ Must be in care of a veterinarian and be on current age appropriate vaccinations
✢ Must complete Grown-up Pup Orientation class
✷ Private training offered for behavioral issues
Preparing you for lifelong companionship with your dog and the Grown-up Pup Course. Read More...
✢ Orientations are offered weekly
✢ 40 minute orientation, Saturdays 12:45 PM -1:25 PM
✢ Up to two people are allowed per dog
✷ Please read our Terms & Conditions before enrolling
Training Goals
Learn to improve your training skills for house manners, outside life manners, leash walking, and high distraction environments.
✢ Advancement in Behavior Shaping: Mat Work • Recall • Loose Leash Walking • Leave It
✢ Manners: Greeting People & Dogs • Good Manners in Public Spaces
✢ Distraction Skills: pups begin to learn how to focus & work in a group setting with an increased level of distraction

Course Info
5 weekly classes in this course. Open Enrollment course. No need to wait to start training your puppy, jump in at any time! Must complete Grown-up Pup Orientation class.
✢ Each class is 55 minutes, Thursdays : 6:00 PM - 6:55 PM
✢ Course Total: $330
✷All training is Force Free-Positive Reinforcement Training

What to Bring
✢ Current vaccination records
✢ Training Clicker (free clicker provided at orientation)
✢ Semi-hungry, semi-tired, pottied pup
✢ Lots of high value bite size treats and treat bag
✢ Stuffed Kong or Bully Stick to chew on while instructor is talking
✢ Standard flat collar or a no-pull harness
✢ 5 or 6 foot standard leash
✢ Mat, towel, or small blanket